Add custom domain in Azure AppServices and configuring SSL

Configure custom domain in Azure and setup SSL

Configure custom domain in Azure and setup SSL

  1. Open AppServices and click on custom domains
  2. Add add custom domains.
  3. Open Azure Key Vault and click on certificate. Make sure you have owner permission on Azure KeyVault
  4. On certificate page click in add or import certificate Graphical user interface, text, application, email

Description automatically generated
  5. Click save and then open the certificate and click on operations and generate CSR once CSR is generated. You can buy the SSL certificate based on the CSR file. Once the SSL certificate is bought make sure its converted into .pfx format.
  6. Click on Azure AppServices click the custom domains and click the custom domain and add binding and select import certificate, select the .pfx file and import it. Once done ssl will be applied to the custom domain